After the Demon Lord Berial was slain by the brave hero, the world is once again peaceful. Many new adventurers inspired by the
heroic deeds took up arms to help people throughout the land. Little did everyone know however, that the progeny of Berial still
walks among them, waiting to unleash its accursed father and wreak havoc upon the world once more…
As one of many new adventurers joining the guild, you never quite expect that you are about to be involved with the series of
unfortunate events and ill omens that will shake the world to its core. Follow the path to glory as you walk the path of the brave and
become the new hero that the world needs.
Experience the classic action-RPG experience, fighting myriad enemies while solving quests throughout your adventurer. Help the
people and gain new knowledge to learn new skills and abilities. Keep your eyes peeled for some parodic, tragic and astonishing
experience that will unfold as you made your exploits known….